You have your beautiful crafts ready to sell. However, how are you going to draw in the crowd in order to get the attention your products deserve? No matter what your genre of craft here’s how your exhibition will gain that ‘curb appeal’ to stand out from your competitors.
Choosing Your Stand
If you’re given the opportunity to choose your stand, choose somewhere as close to the entrance as possible. Not only will people have fresh eyes, some will be waiting around to meet friends and family and looking to kill time.
Keeping Things Tidy
Keep your area tidy as when flustered from the pressure of setting up against the clock, it can easily be forgotten about. Make sure packaging boxes are safely hidden away and personal items are out of sight.
Making Your Stand Inviting
Be sure that your stand, no matter how big or small it may be, is inviting. Consider the season. For instance if it’s a cold winter’s day use a warmer shade of table cloth and back drop, or if it’s summer think of brighter colours particularly if it’s a nice day and you’re inside. Incorporate your stand’s appearance into any budgeting.
Using Space Effectively
Give each craft it’s own space, making it highly visible. Consider unique ways of using the space, can you hang your items? Should they be forward facing or can they be positioned at an angle for more shoppers to spot?
Stock Replenishment
If you’re running out of stock, be sure to take away any empty stands or shelves and reorganize your items so that they look like a collection and if there’s too much blank space, perhaps have props on hand to suit the style. For example flowers or driftwood.
Displaying Products
Bring your products to the front of your display. There’s nothing worse than customers getting caught up in products as they reach across the display. Key detail is essential. Put on your customer’s shoes and see what obstacles would stop you from purchasing goods. If you’re selling accessories such as jewellry, be sure to have a mirror available.
Make your customer walk away feeling well looked after with beautiful, neat packaging. Don’t make them feel like you just want their money. Packaging doesn’t have to be expensive; you could even create it yourself!
Keep Yourself Busy
Look occupied so that customers don’t think you’re going to pounce on them and throw products at them. Let them browse in their own time and give them a warming smile to indicate that you are available should they require assistance.
Ask For Feedback
Ask for feedback from your neighbouring crafters at the end of the fair to see if they spotted or over heard anything not so positive from your stall.
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